Wednesday, 18 April 2018


Vawi khat chu haihawt vang liau liauin zing dar 10 velah Electric Bill pek a ngai tih ka hrechhuak thut a. Due Date ni mah se chaw hma a la ni bawk a, ka la pek theih dawn hi tiin Firefox Browser-ah chuan P & E site chu kan keu ta a. Mahse vanduaithlak takin khar a nih tawh thu a rawn lang tlat mai a. Due date awmzia Duhlian tawnga ka hriat dan te ka ringhlel ta rum rum mai a.
Ka Cambridge Dictionary ka keu nghal a, tiang hian a lo inziak a: “the date on which something is expected to happen, especially the date on which a sum of money is expected to be paid" a lo inti kulh mai a. Pek Ni tura beisei, thlen ni tura ruat tihna lam a ni a. 
Oxford Dictionary chuan "The date on which something falls due, especially the payment of a bill or the expected birth of a baby" tiin a dah thung a. Bill pekfel hun emaw naupian hun tura ruat ni tihna a ni ber. 
Meriam Webster chuan "the day by which something must be done, paid". 
Online Business Dictionary chuan "Date on which a bill of exchange (check, draft, letter of credit, etc.) is payable." tiin an dah thung. Hei chuan pek theih ni tiin a sawi thung a. Payment Due Date chu "The date when payment should be received by the company." tiin an ziak thung. Pawisa dawng tur lamin an dawn ngei hun/ni tihna a ni ber.
Collins Dictionary chuan “The due date for a payment is the date by which it is to be paid”. Pekfel Ni a ti deuh tawp.
Free Dictionary chuan “Date on which a debt must be paid.” Ba rulh ni.
FindLaw Legal Dictionary chuan “The due date is always indicated and means that the payment must be received on or before the specified date.tiin a dah. Pek theih ni or a hma ni.  
Ka chhuanvawr ber JF Dictionary chuan due (adj) chu hetiang hian a letling a: ba, bat, bâk, hmabâk, dik, mawihnai, awm, thleng tûra ruat. Date(n) chu: ni, tarik, thil thlen hun. A tawi zawngin Due date chu tarik tiin a sawi theih ang. Tichuan Mizo tawnga ka hriat thiam theih dan ril ber chu Pêktlâk Ni or Pektlak Ni tura ruat tih hi a ni.
A chunga hrilhfiahna (definition) atang hi chuan la pêk theih awm tak turah ka ngai a; an khar (close) tawh bawk si avangin a thla leha pek ka ngaih phah ta a, late fee ka chawi a ngai zui bawk.
Due Date chaw hma thleng tal hi chu la hawng se Due Date hi a chanve talin a English awmzia hi an hmang dik deuh tur. Business Terminology atang chuan Due Date a la liam em loh chuan la pek theih tur awm tak a ni a. A nih loh vek pawhin Payment not receiveable on due date te ti ta se. Eng le khaw le Haihawt thlen chang a awm theih avangin Due Date hma ngeia Bill pe thei ngei turin alarm te pawh set mai a tul dawn ni te pawhin a lang. Haihawt hian man a nei a ni.
When you owe someone money it is very important that you always pay them back before the due date has passed. 
JF Dicitonary (Android) by Lalsangpuia Ralte 

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